┃Outfits┃我的6套春季穿搭 SPRING LOOKBOOK 2019|Shopbop Asos Mini Haul

我的6套春季穿搭|SPRING LOOKBOOK 2019
♦️ https://youtu.be/KRj3baCmyi0

Hello~今天跟大家分享我的春季穿搭,會利用到我前陣子在Shopbop&ASOS購入的8樣單品,搭配出6套不同風格的造型,不會過於正式,也不會太花俏,我自己覺得算是平時休閒逛街出遊時都可以穿的衣服,那除了新品之外,很多都是我自己舊有的單品,我再盡量找找連結或資訊放在下方,希望可以給大家參考看看,另外請不要錯過影片中提到的 Gocashback返利網的註冊連結(http://t.cn/EI1uYao),可以得到$15美金的註冊獎勵喲!歡迎留言跟我說你最喜歡那套穿搭~enjoy

Hey everyone! Today's video is a Spring Lookbook! I'm sharing six outfits using eight new items I bought from Shopbop and Asos recently.  Hopefully, this can give you some ideas for outfits in the spring season! Besides, here I’m offering you $15 bonus for signing up at GoCashback.ca. Link down below!
Thank you so much for watching as always! Please tell me which one is your fav!
If you'd like to see more of these types of video or for me to share more styling / outfit ideas let me know down in the comments~


♦ SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE = )  https://goo.gl/MtlkfF

------- PRODUCTS -------


⚡️River Island|stitch sweater in cream https://goo.gl/8hQUSY
↳Mango|Leopard Dress http://tinyurl.com/yykc5u85

⚡️ASOS DESIGN|fluffy sweater in rib https://goo.gl/R8DDtX
↳Topshop|Paperbag Waist Trousers http://tinyurl.com/y6zbd5za (similar)

⚡️Stradivarius|Check peg pants https://goo.gl/YDH5gT
↳Zara|黑色蕾絲背心 http://tinyurl.com/y2o538sb (similar)
↳Mango|麻料西裝外套 http://tinyurl.com/y4k47cke (similar)
↳Taobao|豹紋字母短T https://goo.gl/1LCsdk

⚡️Miss Selfridge|cropped cardigan in cream https://goo.gl/2v24C8
↳Madewell|超顯瘦彈力牛仔褲 https://goo.gl/h97rs6

⚡️Line & Dot|Alder Sweater https://goo.gl/PZZsMy
↳Taobao|白色9分直筒褲 http://tinyurl.com/yynw6zt4


⚡️STAUD|Moreau Bag  https://goo.gl/xmBewD

↳JW ANDERSON|Mini Pierce Baghttp://tinyurl.com/y54evnnd


⚡️Sam Edelman|Leah Cap Toe Pumps  https://goo.gl/LV58FD

⚡️Sam Edelman|Linnie Flat Mules  https://goo.gl/qyVCsp

↳Keds|厚底小白鞋 http://tinyurl.com/y69q27xv
↳Soludos|棕梠樹草編鞋 http://tinyurl.com/y98ce2td

------- FREE ------

GoCashBack|$15美金註冊新會員 https://www.gocashback.ca/zh-hans/r/1806165
Airbnb|$40美金連結註冊新會員  https://www.airbnb.com.tw/c/chloet276

------- C O N N E C T -------

